The Old Fort Lowell Live-At-Home Program, Inc. (OFLLAH) was established in 1997 as a not-for-profit neighborhood-based program. It utilizes neighborhood volunteers to provide a variety of free services to older adults, disabled individuals, or those with temporary needs who live in our neighborhood.
After its founding, the Live-At-Home Program became the model for the establishment of similar programs in many other Tucson neighborhoods. Currently there are almost twenty such organizations in the Neighbors Care Alliance, under the umbrella of the Pima Council on Aging.
OFLLAH is a 501(c)3 corporation and all donations are tax deductible. OFLLAH exists through the generosity of its donors, fund-raising events, and the grants that it has obtained over the years.
All services are free to those living within our catchment area, which is north of Grant Road, east of Swan Road, south of the Rillito River, and west of the Pantano Wash.
Our Board is made up of volunteers who live within our community.
Sage Apicella
Susan Blaney, Vice President
Susan Bush, Secretary
Jannie Cox
Charlie Boyd, Treasurer
Jane Heaton, Emerita
Kit Owen, President
Dorothy Steele
Diana Warr